dennis.n· مراجعة مقدّمة من
influenster.com ·
10 نوفمبر 2024Schönes StarWars Set zum aufbauen. Die Anleitung liegt mit bei. Der Aufbau ist dadurch relativ gut und schnell fertig zu stellen, was ich etwas schade finde, da mir der Aufbau auch Freude bereitet und Stressabbauend ist. Der Raider ist nach dem Aufbau sehr stabil und gut für die Sammlung geeignet. Schön sind auch die Details vom Raider, die es zu etwas Besonderem machen. Preislich gesehen könnte man meiner Meinung nach die Sets von Lego aber etwas billiger gestalten.
'The Mandalorian' arrives in LEGO!
TheRealDarwyn72· مراجعة مقدّمة من
9 نوفمبر 2019It's odd that this has just been released by LEGO as a new Star Wars saga set, as we don't yet (at time of writing) have Disney+ here in Europe. However, having seen the official trailers I think we can expect some more sets soon!
This is a really good set to build, I really like these walker models and how the legs go together. There is alot of detail on this set, which is not obvious from the box. For example, in the main 'power' section, we have paint-rollers doubling up as power conduits, and 'Indian Jones' whips as power couplings on the legs - great!
The colour scheme is much more interesting than the standard Imperial units, with lots of brown, red, cream, green and gun-metal pieces used, giving the model a life-like 'worn out' look. There are two launchers hidden under the main cabin, with neat 'fire' buttons on the back. The cockpit section is cleverly put together, so that the angled look of the AT-ST is retained. Great how the cabin section rotates with screw on the back, looks really menacing!
The figures are fantastic - we have the new Mandalorian figure, with a nicely detailed torso, with battle-scared armour, belts with pouches and a bandaleer. I like the gun-metal colour of the helmet, and it has the holes to add extra visor pieces. Not sure about the 'gun' - it's simply too big! There is no 'face' for this figure - probably because it's not revealled in the TV-series? 'Cara Dune' is a cool-looking female figure with a skin-tone that looks new. She has quite a bit of armour detail on the torso with a belt and pouches. She has 'angry' and 'relaxed' expressions. The two 'baddies' - Klatooinian radiers - have distinct costumes on the torso, with lots of fabric and jewellery details that look good. Both are angry about something!
Gripes? Only two. Firstly, stickers - there are alot, and people always complain, but they do make the model. Second is just annoying. The twin cannon on the left-hand side of the model just falls off when you touch it. It can be remided with other pieces of course. I will change it in due course.
Overall, great fun to play with, good selection of new charactors, nice details and colours for your own models later. Now - can we have the twin-engine Mandalorian ship?
Beste AT-ST von Lego. Sehr gute Minifiguren. Bin sehr froh, dass ich dieses Set zu diesem Preis bekommen habe. Sehr schnell geliefert. Sehr gerne wied
fr3704· مراجعة مقدّمة من
ebay.com ·
17 أبريل 2024Beste AT-ST von Lego. Sehr gute Minifiguren. Bin sehr froh, dass ich dieses Set zu diesem Preis bekommen habe. Sehr schnell geliefert. Sehr gerne wieder
Yet another great purchase for our LEGO lover!
Sarah· مراجعة مقدّمة من
walmart.com ·
31 ديسمبر 2024My son used his Christmas money to purchase this set for himself. He was so excited when he placed the order that I didn't think he would be even more excited as it was delivered. Of course our FedEx guy had to quiz him on it, but little did he know my son is super knowledgeable about his LEGOs and was spitting words out that neither of us understood. Needless to say, I think he is very happy with his purchase!