Collette· ãÑÇÌÚÉ ãÞÏøãÉ ãä
wob.com ·
28 ÝÈÑÇíÑ 2023An interesting book, which looks at the roots of introversion and extroversion, how different types of people can be best supported, and how the value of introversion, or ‘quiet’, can often be overlooked or downplayed.
It challenges the prevailing myth, in some countries at least, that extroversion is ‘good’, and that introversion is ‘bad’, advocating that both have strengths and weaknesses, and that, in many cases, introversion or ‘quiet’ can lead to better outcomes, whether that is in politics and decision making, parenting, or in the workplace.
One weakness of the book is that, because it is written from the perspective of the USA, not all sections of it will be directly applicable to the reader. Some elements which are generally accepted as universal truths in the USA (framing politics in a liberal / conservative split for example) are not seen that way in other parts of the world. But if you live in a country which tends to advocate an ‘extrovert ideal’, as the USA tends to, the essential premise of the book will ring true for you. And even if you don't, it is likely to still be interesting to you.
It is very likely there will be things in this book which are new to you, or which you will learn more about, for example I wasn’t aware of the research into high sensitivity and low sensitivity and the link to introversion and extroversion. It is presented in a very accessible way, with examples of how the extrovert ideal plays into self-help, religion, and business.
The book also outlines research showing how standard ways of doing things, like open-plan offices, don’t work in terms of increasing happiness, productivity, and accuracy, regardless of personality types, and raise interesting questions about a substantial chunk of a population pretending to be extrovert to ‘pass’ in countries which value this behaviour. Recommended.
linhlaccc· ãÑÇÌÚÉ ãÞÏøãÉ ãä
shopee.vn ·
27 ÓÈÊãÈÑ 2024Đối tượng độc giả:introvert maybe
Thiết kế bìa:"quiet luxury"
Sách khá nhỏ xo với những cuốn thông thường, nên có nghĩa là, chữ ở trỏng cũng siêu nhỏ. Ố mài gót lúc sách còn đóng seal thì mình cầm rất nhẹ, xong nghĩ là có khi nào mua nhầm sách fake k ta (vì mình ít khi mua sách ở Shopee). Xong xem lại thấy mua ở fahasa nên là k fake đâu, lượt review kỹ hơn thì thấy 1 vài bạn cũng ns chữ nhỏ, mà mình k nghĩ là nhỏ đến như vậy. Chưa bàn đến nội dung (vì mình mới nhận sách) thì có 1 điểm mình k thích nữa là chất lượng giấy🥲🥲 cảm giác loại giấy trắng sẫm như những cuốn văn học xưa ấy, sờ bị nhám nhám ở tay. Lần đầu mua sách có loại giấy này í nên hơi ngỡ ngàng. Nhưng k sao, nội dung vẫn là thứ mình ưu tiên, dù có hơi thất vọng lúc ban đầu nhưng mình vẫn đọc đến cuối để tiếp thu tinh hoa của tác giả🥰 mình ghi rõ để mn cân nhắc nhé
· ãÑÇÌÚÉ ãÞÏøãÉ ãä
shopee.co.id ·
11 ÝÈÑÇíÑ 2023Tampilan:Barang tidak ada yang rusak atau cacat
Kualitas:Bagus karena dibungkus bubble wrap
Cocok Untuk:Siapa saja yang tertarik terhadap seseorang dengan kepribadian introverts
Saya pesan dua buku, yaitu buku ini dan The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck. Saya beli kemarin dan sampai hari ini saat tadi pagi. Pengiriman termasuk cepat. Saya ingin baca buku ini dalam versi bahasa Inggrisnya karena saya takut kurang paham kalau diartikan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia (mungkin dikarenakan pemilihan kata saat proses penerjemahan). Selain itu, dapet pembatas buku dari Periplusnya sendiri
Amazingly enlightening, insightful and clever
jobie_74· ãÑÇÌÚÉ ãÞÏøãÉ ãä
ebay.com ·
13 ÃßÊæÈÑ 2018Susan Cain (a self-acknowledged introvert) points out that most of the greatest humans in history were introverts. This is a must read - introverts and extroverts alike have so much to learn here. Theres lots of good stuff, from the history of how the world became extrovert-focussed and so dismissive of introverts, the myth of leaders needing to be extroverts, how to nurture introvert (and extrovert) children, how introversion and shyness are not the same thing, why introverts make better long term investors, and much more. We are told inspirational stories about, for example, Rosa Parks, Steve Wozniak, Eleanor Roosevelt and Gandhi. This book is mandatory reading for all parents and educators, but also for anybody that deals with people (i.e. pretty much everybody!). I got some fantastic insights into my psyche from the book explaining how us introverts relate to the world. It also provided me with some interesting insights about my personality that I hadn't thought of before & as you would expert - for an introverted thinker - that's quite something. The book also prescribes some "feel good" information to compensate for all the raving that extroverts get. It's indeed a life-changing book - now instead of wasting energy trying to deny my quiet nature or wish it away, I will accept it and be grateful for the strengths that it gives me. Thanks to the author who dared to be so vulnerable.
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