The Hollow: Number 2 in Series [Book]
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تفاصيل المنتج
: كتاب ورقي
كتب خيالية
: روايات
: خيالي
: Nora Roberts
: Little, Brown Book Group Limited, paperback
In the village of Hawkins Hollow, three young friends unwittingly unleash a three-hundred year curse. Now, every seven years, the locals are plagued by a week of collective madness, leading to acts of inexplicable evil. Since that terrible day at the Pagan Stone, town lawyer Fox O'Dell has been able to see into other people's minds. It's a talent he shares with Layla, recently arrived from New York. Fox knows that he must earn her trust, because their link will help fight the darkness that threatens to engulf the town. But Layla is having trouble coming to terms with her newfound ability - and this intimate connection to Fox. She knows that once she opens her mind, she'll have no defence against the desire that threatens to consume them both...
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