Healing Grief: Reclaiming Life After Any Loss [Book]
‏24.00 US$ · Penguin Random House
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مقارنة الأسعار
تفاصيل المنتج
: كتاب ورقي
: غير خيالي
: علاقات أسرية, مساعدة الذات
: James Van Praagh
: Penguin Publishing Group, paperback
“Grieving is a natural process. Now, in a book destined to open pathways of hope and healing for millions more, the renowned medium and author of the New York Times bestsellers Talking to Heaven and Reaching to Heaven reveals how the devastating sorrow of a loss can lead to incredible opportunities for spiritual growth--and bring a sense of renewal and focus to our lives.Van Praagh shares many insightful spiritual messages from deceased loved ones, who shed new light on grief and loss. These stories, along with accounts of his own personal experiences, assist us in viewing our losses as stepping-stones on our soul’s evolving spiritual journey.
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