Broken [Book]
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موعد الوصول: 24 يناير – 1 فبراير
مقارنة الأسعار
تفاصيل المنتج
: كتاب ورقي
: غير خيالي
: علاقات أسرية
: Jerlette Mickie
: AuthorHouse, paperback
Golf - The Road To Insanity, is a humorous, cleverly worded tale of a young boy who spent the summer of 1959 as a caddy at a private golf club in the Central Coast area of New Jersey. The adventures of that summer, simmering in the mind of that young boy as he grew into his 50's, were finally recorded in this writing. The many characters and stories he writes about will be familiar to those who play the game. Has anyone known a character like Rut Krauzer? "Rut, after seeing his ball heading way left of where he had aimed it, and quite truthfully, mis-hitting a rather easy shot, his shoulders, broad though they might have been, drooped down. With his muscles bulging out of his shirt, he stood there slowly shaking his Teutonic head and looking at the divot hole he had just "excavated" in the middle of the fairway. On my way back to the point of impact, divot in hand for replacement in this "shoe box" sized bomb crater, Rut looked me dead in the eye and asked, "Caddy. How can a grown man hit a shot that badly?" I thought to myself, "Should I answer?"
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