Mosaic Craft: 20 Modern Projects for the Contemporary Home [Book]
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مقارنة الأسعار
تفاصيل المنتج
: مجلد
: غير خيالي
: عمارة, مهن يدوية / هوايات
: Martin Cheek
: Pavilion Books, hardback
Mosaics can transform the most primitive motifs into works of art. With 'Mosaic Craft', learn how a basic understanding of the techniques (and a little imagination) will help you create brilliant and beautiful projects for your home. This book begins with information on the tools you will need, and then covers all the basic techniques, with clear instructions and step-by-step photographs. The project section has 20 glorious designs that build in complexity as you progress in skill, from easy items that can be made in a few hours to more complex projects, taking a couple of days. Also included is a gallery of Martin's own work, which is designed to inspire. Discover the joys of creating tiled art with this complete guide to the art of mosaic crafting.
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