The Potter's Clay: Unlocking the Gospel Power of Transformation [Book]
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مقارنة الأسعار
تفاصيل المنتج
: كتاب ورقي
: غير خيالي
: فلسفة
: Bill Sizemore
: Salem Publishing Solutions, paperback
The Potter's Clay is a philosophy of discipleship that has transformed countless lives since the time of Christ. The Potter's Clay offers a complete discipleship system comprised of this book, a participant's workbook, and a mentor's guide for personal discipleship. This transformational discipleship is a life-to-life intentional journey through the power of the gospel. Bill Sizemore has dedicated his life to serving the Lord as a pastor, coach, trainer, public speaker, church planter, and author. His main objective is to help people reach their full potential for God, advancing God's kingdom. God has blessed Bill with the opportunity to teach his discipleship philosophy in several countries, witnessing the transformation of many lives through the years. Bill and Kim raised two God-fearing daughters who serve the Lord with their husbands. Their four grandchildren are the light of their life.
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