The Skeptical Handicapper: Using Data and Brains to Win at the Racetrack [Book]
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مقارنة الأسعار
تفاصيل المنتج
: مجلد
: غير خيالي
: رياضة / ترفيه
: Barry Meadow
: T R Publishing, hardback
Is betting a horse who was claimed last start a winning strategy? What are the signs that an upcoming favorite looks vulnerable? How about if you combine a class drop with a jockey switch? Should you bet everyone who won last out by 8 lengths or more? You may have an opinion about these handicapping questions. But wouldn't it be nice to see long-term data? What if you could analyze these topics-and dozens more-by seeing how they did in every race in North America from 2014 through 2017-some 168,227 in all? Is what you believe true? Let's find out.But this book is not just a dry recitation of numbers. Author Barry Meadow-who wrote Money Secrets at the Racetrack, the definitive guide to money management at the races-takes you on a handicapping journey which covers virtually every question you may have about what's profitable and what isn't, and why. He should know-for more than 20 years, he was a full-time thoroughbred player. And he was a steady, big-money winner. Now he reveals for the first time what he's learned-and what can help you win. With the help of thoroughbred analytic specialist Ken Massa of Handicapping Technology and Research, he'll show you exactly how to win now and into the future. With data and facts, not just opinions.If you're serious about winning at the races today, this is the one book you must have. And only Barry Meadow could write it.
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