55 تعليقًا
A Ringside View of the Trump Circus
KIM· مراجعة مقدّمة من booksamillion.com · 24 يونيو 2020
Written by a long time White House reporter, Front Row at the Trump Shows just how chaotic things are at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The book was well written and I like how it was broken into sections. Chapters were not overly long which made bedtime reading much easier. I could read a chapter a night and not lose train of thought. Die hard Trump supporters will no doubt label this "fake news" but as it's well put out here in this book that is how Trump labels anything that could hurt or isn't flattering. I think it's a must read before people go to the polls this November
Great behind the scenes insights!
cmeyers59· مراجعة مقدّمة من ebay.com · 14 أبريل 2020
Insider look at the ongoing train wreck at the White House. Stories from behind the scenes from a respected journalist who has years of experience. Easy read. I want to take a highlighter to certain passages that made me laugh (in disgust) and that I wanted to share with my husband. I'll read it again and will probably do it.
00741steven· مراجعة مقدّمة من ebay.com · 7 مايو 2020
mr. Karl keeps meticulous notes and as he explains it. I personaly was following it, but to comprehend what was going on behing the curtains. Brings life to my patriotism and the scope of occupations you can stay of the record with can come from a bad rating until proofed. That's MAGA.
About what I expected seeing I am a fan of ABC news.
Gary· مراجعة مقدّمة من booksamillion.com · 3 أبريل 2021
An easy straight forward description of the Trump White House. A fair assessment of some of the good and the misinformation coming from the administration. Backed up with facts. Good and factual reporting from a correspondent who knew Trump well before his Presidency.
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