Le Creuset One-Pot Cuisine: Classic Recipes for Casseroles, Tagines and Simple One-Pot Dishes [Book]
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مقارنة الأسعار
تفاصيل المنتج
: مجلد
: غير خيالي
: طبخ
: Creuset Le
: Octopus Publishing Group, hardback
What better way to prepare delicious one pot meals than in Le Creuset cast iron cookware? Especially created for the brand's famous cast iron pots and grillpans, this book is bursting with 100 mouth-watering recipes for delicious casseroles, tagines and simple one-pot suppers. Each beautifully illustrated recipe comes with simple, easy-to-follow instructions. From Trout with Bacon and Fennel to Sea Bass in a Salty Crust, Shrimp and Chermoula Tagine to Aubergine Stuffed with Rice, Herbs and Pine Nuts, these delicious and fragrant dishes are sure to delight everyone around the dinner table.
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