A Special Place: The Heart of a Dark Matter [Book]
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مقارنة الأسعار
تفاصيل المنتج
: كتاب ورقي
كتب خيالية
: روايات نثرية
: خيالي
: Peter Straub
: Pegasus Books, paperback
From the bestselling author of Ghost Story, Shadowland, and The Talisman, a novella-length rumination on the nature of evil. A Special Place, Peter Straub’s first published novella, will come to stand as one of the author’s most deeply unsettling works of fiction. A rumination on the nature of evil, the story centers on a boy, Keith Hayward, who is drawn by his nature to an irresistible fascination with death and the taking of life. His father’s brother, the good-looking, suave Uncle Till—the infamous ladykiller, who has led a shadowy career as a local celebrity—recognizes his nephew’s innermost nature and gleefully tutors him in art of doing ill without getting caught. Even a cold-blooded sociopath must learn some lessons in survival, in seems, and Uncle Till is only happy to provide a tutorial, in the latest imaginative and disturbing work from one of America's most celebrated horror writers.
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