Luke and John Albert Barnes. د they tell him of her . 31 And he came and took her by the hand , and lifted her up ; and immediately the fever left her , and she ministered unto them . 32 And at even , when the sun did set , they brought ...
... ألبرت بارنس ( 1870 - 1798 ) Albert Barnes : لاهوتي أمريكي . اشتهر بمؤلفه في التعليق على الكتاب المقدس في 14 جزء . Albert Barnes , Notes , critical , explanatory , and practical , on the Book of psalms ( London : ( 5 ) Hamilton ) , 1/183 ...
Albert Barnes. د : ⚫ on every hand to danger . We have turned every one to his own way . We had all gone in the path which we chose . We were like sheep which have no shepherd , and which wander where they please with no one to collect ...
... Albert A. Barnes and Isaac N. Soper , Executive Committee . EMPLOYMENTS OF ITS MEMBERS . .... • Artists . Assistant foreman Bookbinder . Boss Engraver .... Cigar Manufacturer Compositors Clerks .. ..... • • 3 Editors ...... • 2 د ...
... Albert Barnes , M. M. E. , Mech . Engin . Chas . E. Ard , B. S. , Phys . , Elect . Engın . David C. Hull , M. S. ... د V. W. Bragg , Instr . Wood Shop . Wm 46 MISSISSIPPI .
... Albert Barnes , furniture designer , d . 1958. Widow . Knew Sylvia Pankhurst ... in author's childhood ; mother's finding way to help less - well - off ... father's disre- gard for his children was typical of men . Meeting her ...
Albert Barnes. CHAPTER II . EXHORT , therefore , that , first of all , supplications , prayers , in- ing public worship . Timothy had been left at Ephesus to complete the plans which the apostle had com- menced in reference to the church ...
... Albert Barnes Richard Cook Archer Gifford Mrs. J. C. Hornblower Abram S. Clark Samuel Boyd Isaac Pierson James ... د NAMES OF AUXILIARIES . Date of Re- cognition . Donations. Burlington Cape May county Cumberland county Gloucester ...