On this basis, this book develops innovative answers to the big questions of consciousness research: How do the ability to act and subjective experience arise? How can the classic body-soul problem be rethought?
The present volume of the internationally famous New Testament scholar Wolfgang Stegemann includes texts on central subjects of the biblical theology as Jesus= proclamation of God=s empire, the interpretation of Jesus= death as atoning ...
In recent decades, a shift from anti-Judaic to anti-Israeli discourse can be observed, which is alarmingly widely accepted in society and not infrequently rooted in an anti-Semitic interpretation of the New Testament texts.
Dort leben und arbeiten heute mehr denn je Menschen unterschiedlicher religiöser und konfessioneller Herkunft miteinander. Um voneinander zu lernen, müssen die Positionen der anderen wahrgenommen, verstanden und respektiert werden.