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Grave of the 'First American Consul' in Jerusalem Uncovered
The tomb of Warder Cresson, one of the most colorful figures of 19th-century Jerusalem, was found as part of a project to map the Mount of Olives Cemetery.
قبل 135 شهرًا
Of $37.5 million in new NEH grants, 2.7% relate to Israel, Judaism
The National Endowment for the Humanities, a US federal agency, announced $37.5 million in grants for 240 humanities projects on Tuesday.
قبل 4 أشهر
Funding: National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Announces $37.5 Million for 240 Humanities Projects Nationwide Including First Round of Grants For New Humanities Research Centers on Artificial Intelligence Program
Library Journal infoDOCKET
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) today announced $37.5 million in grants for 240 humanities projects across the country.
قبل 4 أشهر
Op-Ed: A year after opening the Jerusalem Embassy: On the right side of history
U.S. Embassy in Israel (.gov)
Read the op-ed Ambassador David Friedman wrote for 'Israel Hayom' ahead of the first anniversary of the U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem...
قبل 68 شهرًا
Carter’s ‘Al Chet’ & Ulysses S. Grant’s… Rabbi?
The Jewish Press
For many in the Jewish community, the news of President Carter's death brought back some unpleasant memories.
قبل أسبوع واحد
Rabbi Menachem Levine
Rabbi Menachem Levine is the CEO of JDBY-YTT, the largest Jewish school in the Midwest. He served as Rabbi of Congregation Am Echad in San Jose, CA from 2007 –...
قبل 34 شهرًا
Ever the Diplomat
Mishpacha Magazine
Gedalia Guttentag with reporting by Yisrael Yoskovitch. Ambassador Tom Nides was busy with meetings one Sunday morning a few weeks ago when...
قبل 27 شهرًا
Aish.com is Looking for Great Writers
Are you passionate about Jewish issues? Can you articulate your opinions in clean, unadorned prose that's engaging and culturally relevant?
قبل 34 شهرًا
Who were the most (and least) Jewish presidents?
The Forward
Our 46 Heads of State (Grover Cleveland is counted twice) all had interactions with the Jewish community – positive and negative, historic and bizarre.
قبل 34 شهرًا
Vatican Archives Opened; Letters From Jews Revealed
Moment Magazine
The Vatican released letters Jews sent to Pope Pius XII during the Holocaust. What is the Vatican's history with disclosing documents?
قبل 28 شهرًا