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Vatican Archives Opened; Letters From Jews Revealed
Moment Magazine
The Vatican released letters Jews sent to Pope Pius XII during the Holocaust. What is the Vatican's history with disclosing documents?
قبل 28 شهرًا
The American Miracle with Michael Medved
The British captured the American capitol in Washington and burned its public buildings in the War of 1812, but when they invaded the Mississippi Valley and...
قبل 6 أشهر
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autographed Letters, Graphic and Ceremonial Art
Kestenbaum & Company
AUCTION 70 - SEPTEMBER 22ND 2016. Isidor Kaufmann Painting Realizes $255,300 at Kestenbaum & Company Auction of. Fine Judaica on September 23rd.
قبل 77 شهرًا
Clarion, Utah - Jewish Agricultural Settlement 1911-1915
Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation
"These colonists had sounded a Clarion call to all Jews to return to the land for spiritual and physical revival. In Utah, they believed that they had found...
قبل 104 أشهر
First Permanent Jewish House of Worship in Wyoming
Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation
1947 Partition Resolution, Anne Frank, Bill Bernstein, Israel, Buchenwald, Germany, Shmuel Cohen - Israel, Warder Cresson Exodus Memorial - Israel.
قبل 98 شهرًا
20 Amazing Converts to Judaism You Should Know
Throughout history the Jewish nation has been enriched by converts—upstanding men and women who opted to enter the covenant and become part of the Chosen...
قبل 17 شهرًا
Netanya AACI | **The Strange Pilgrimage of Warder Cresson
The Strange Pilgrimage of Warder Cresson Lecture by Moshe Kahan 11:30 Tuesday 12 November** Warder Cresson was a Philadelphia Quaker in the.
قبل شهرين (2)
American Jewish History, markers, articles
Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation
Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation promotes and sponsors, recognition of local sites of Jewish Historical interest through historic programs...
قبل 98 شهرًا
True Religion: Righteous Converts
Rabbi Pinchas Landis
Rabbi Pinchas Landis is a dynamic and fascinating speaker and teacher, specializing in the areas of Inspiration, Personal Growth and History.
قبل 38 شهرًا
The Two Witnesses, Moses and Elijah. By L.P. Labagh. Edited by Warder Cresson (United States Consul at Jerusalem).
Kestenbaum & Company
Born into an old Quaker Philadelphia family, Warder Cresson (1798-1860) traveled through a series of religious awakenings, before becoming...
قبل 99 شهرًا