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The Forgotten Proto-Zionist: The Visionary Life of Warder Cresson – Lithuanian Jewish Community
Lietuvos žydų bendruomenė
by Michael Medved. Israel's contemporary critics angrily insist that the special relationship between America and the Jewish state stems...
قبل 35 شهرًا
Jewish Amer. Society for Historic Preservation
Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation
Established 1859. Jewish-Americans have played a significant role in the economic, social, and political life of Macon since the 1840s.
قبل 3 أشهر
Jewish Amer. Society for Historic Preservation
Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation
John Jacob Hays left New York and settled in Cahokia circa 1790. He was merchant engaged in the trade with Native-American tribes in the Mississippi River...
قبل شهرين (2)
Tour Guide Israel | Chronology
Albert Tours Israel
Tour Guide Israel | learn about events and characters over 4000 years of History. Albert tours - Religion tours in Israel, History tours, family tours.
قبل 35 شهرًا
20 Amazing Converts to Judaism You Should Know
Throughout history the Jewish nation has been enriched by converts—upstanding men and women who opted to enter the covenant and become part of the Chosen...
قبل 16 شهرًا
American History & Jewish History Blog
Shapell Manuscript Foundation
Our history blog focuses on the expansive history of America and the Holy Land with an emphasis on both the 19th and 20th centuries.
قبل 73 شهرًا
Jewish Frontier Homesteading
Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation
1947 Partition Resolution, Anne Frank, Bill Bernstein, Israel, Buchenwald, Germany, Shmuel Cohen - Israel, Warder Cresson Exodus Memorial - Israel.
قبل 51 شهرًا
When England Expelled the Jews
And the rabbi who was instrumental in gaining them re-entry 400 years later. A small number of Jews lived in England since Roman and...
قبل 9 أشهر
Introducing William J. Seymour (1870-1922)
Seymour was one of the most influential African-American religious leaders of his time, and his impact can be felt even today.
قبل 40 شهرًا
Warder Cresson was Accused of Being Insane for Converting to Judaism
The prominent Quaker opened America's first consul to Jerusalem. After converting and returning home, he was put on trial for insanity.
قبل 24 شهرًا