... father, Cap William A. Fuller, of the Confed erate army, was tho man who wa responsible for the capture o James Andrews and his 22 raiders In April, 1862. His plantation li Clayton county, Ga., handed dowi by his father, Is In the exact ...
... Robert Palo Owon, author and statesman, born In Glasgow; died near Lako George. N. Y., 1877. John Mlddleton Clayton, American talesman, principal In tho Bulwer- Cl«.yton treaty, died In Dover, Del.; born 1798. Stephen R. Mallory ...
... Clayton Mitrhell fMary Garnett) and a nephew of Philadelphia art spending a 'few days in Boston and are at the Copiey-PUza while making little visits to friends. Mrs. Robert Porter Keep of Farmuig- ton. Conn., announces the engagement ...
... Clayton Juhnson, Sioux Clty^ Iowa; and Mb.r— Tom Note. Gary. Ind. DUMAS IN 'AUTHOR' BATTERY CAMP ROBJ5BTS, Cal ... Robert C, Allison has written friends from Sardinia that German propaganda broadcasts use announcers with, "southern ...
... Clayton disappearance (In Stereo) (Part 1 ol 4) E Brothers Quartet" Movie ... in Author Marguerite Duras. (R) Anger (R). 3 Movie ** t Winter People t'^oy ... Robert Redlord. An escaped convict makes way back to his hometown. Movie ...
... Clayton. Polnris and Tamarack were especially weak. Pend Oreille Mines ... Robert H. Beck. Ilarvv Pearson, all of Wallace; \V. L. 7,eiR- ler. Gem, and ... in author:' y .must have been hooked on a mm- mg deal some ime he said ...