أودا فيشمير<br>(Oda Wischmeyer)

أودا فيشمير (Oda Wischmeyer)

عالِم باللاهوت
تاريخ ومكان الميلاد: 20 أغسطس 1944 (العمر 80 سنة)، كوزتسالين، بولندا
A blog devoted to the translation of German New Testament scholarship. Oda Wischmeyer, English Publications
Follow Oda Wischmeyer and explore their bibliography from's Oda Wischmeyer Author Page.
Oda Wischmeyer is Professor of New Testament at the University of Erlangen, Germany. Free US delivery on orders $35 or over ...
Oda Wischmeyer. Has 2 books in the database. Paul, Luke and the Graeco-Roman World: Essays in Honour of Alexander J.M..
Love as "Agape". The Early Christian Concept and Modern Discourse. by Oda Wischmeyer. Series edited by Wayne Coppins and Simon Gathercole.
Follow Oda Wischmeyer and explore their bibliography from Amazon's Oda Wischmeyer Author Page.
Format: Hardback. Genre: Philosophy & Spirituality. Further Details. Publisher: de Gruyter. Item Weight: 1411g. Item Width: 41mm. Item Length: 170mm.
Der Kommentar besteht aus zwei Teilen, einem ausfuhrlichen Einleitungsteil und dem Kommentarteil. Der Einleitungsteil behandelt zunachst die Fragen nach ...