12/11/2023 · How did the professors at the Augustine Institute Graduate School arrive there? What motivated ... المدة: 18:48 تاريخ النشر: 12/11/2023
11/12/2021 · What does the Bible really say about the birth of Jesus? How did the celebration of Christmas ... المدة: 30:39 تاريخ النشر: 11/12/2021
16/11/2022 · What is salvation? If we get anything right in our faith, it should be this. And yet, most Catholics ... المدة: 26:35 تاريخ النشر: 16/11/2022
25/11/2024 · Is the Catholic understanding of the Eucharist rooted in Scripture? Today, Dr. Michael Dauphinais ... المدة: 59:10 تاريخ النشر: 25/11/2024
30/03/2023 · In this episode, Mrs. Martinez has a conversation with Dr. Barber from the Augustine Institute ... المدة: 15:27 تاريخ النشر: 30/03/2023