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مُرتَّبة حسب التاريخ
The pleasures of sad music: a systematic review
Sadness is generally seen as a negative emotion, a response to distressing and adverse situations. In an aesthetic context, however, sadness is often...
قبل 5 أشهر
Co míníme tím, když o něčem prohlásíme, že je to umění?
ČT art
Americký filozof Jerrold Levinson, který byl nedávno pár dní v Praze, napsal řadu vlivných textů o estetice a filozofických problémech hudby...
قبل 78 شهرًا
Filozofia w czasach ZARAZY
Ruch Muzyczny
Gdy zaczyna się PLAGA i kiedy się już skończyła, uprawia się zawsze nieco retoryki. W pierwszym wypadku trwają jeszcze dawne przyzwyczajenia...
قبل 56 شهرًا
Nanette Nielsen
Universitetet i Oslo
Jeg har en BA i Musikkvitenskap og Filosofi fra Københavns Universitet, og en MMUS og PhD fra Royal Holloway, University of London.
قبل شهرين (2)
Conversations in Art and Aesthetics
Aesthetics for Birds
What follows is a guest post by Hans Maes. Hans is Senior Lecturer in History and Philosophy of Art and co-director of the Aesthetics...
قبل 128 شهرًا
Universalism and the Problem of Aesthetic Diversity
Cambridge University Press & Assessment
This essay examines a recent line of thought in aesthetics that challenges realist-leaning aesthetic theories.
قبل 19 شهرًا
Artist versus Aesthete
De Gruyter
Jerrold LevinsonArtistversus AestheteAbstract:Twoofthe principalrolesorpositions in the aesthetic/artistic situationare thoseofartist and aesthete.
قبل 44 شهرًا
Tag: Sandra Shapshay
These two newly issued anthologies collect important texts on the subject of aesthetics by salient authors.
قبل 30 شهرًا
Mark Evan Bonds
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Mark Evan Bonds (Cary C. Boshamer Distinguished Professor Emeritus) retired in 2023. He received a BA in music and German from Duke University in 1975.
قبل 102 شهر
Richard Wollheim on the Art of Painting
Cambridge University Press & Assessment
Richard Wollheim is one of the dominant figures in the philosophy of art, having focused on two core, interrelated questions: How do paintings depict? and how...
قبل 138 شهرًا