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مُرتَّبة حسب التاريخ
The pleasures of sad music: a systematic review
Sadness is generally seen as a negative emotion, a response to distressing and adverse situations. In an aesthetic context, however, sadness is often...
قبل 5 أشهر
Co míníme tím, když o něčem prohlásíme, že je to umění?
ČT art
Americký filozof Jerrold Levinson, který byl nedávno pár dní v Praze, napsal řadu vlivných textů o estetice a filozofických problémech hudby...
قبل 78 شهرًا
The Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics
Google Books
The Oxford Handbooks series is a major new initiative in academic publishing. Each volume offers an authoritative and up-to-date survey of...
قبل 238 شهرًا
EMOTIONS AS EVALUATIONS - Greenspan - 1981 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly
Wiley Online Library
Earlier versions of this paper were presented at a University of Maryland Philosophy Colloquium in February, 1979, and at the Meetings of the American...
قبل 87 شهرًا
Aesthetic Pursuits: Essays in Philosophy of Art
Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Jerrold Levinson, Aesthetic Pursuits: Essays in Philosophy of Art, Oxford University Press, 2016, 197pp., $55.00 (hbk), ISBN 9780198767213.
قبل 89 شهرًا
Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and the Arts
Cambridge University Press & Assessment
Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and the Arts is a forum for examining issues common to philosophy and critical disciplines that deal with the history of art...
قبل 98 شهرًا
(PDF) Essay 10: Thoughts on Integrity -1
PDF | On Apr 11, 2023, Nathan Dickmeyer published Essay 10: Thoughts on Integrity -1 | Find, read and cite all the research you need on...
قبل 19 شهرًا
The Oxford Handbook of Western Music and Philosophy (Oxford Handbooks)
The Oxford Handbook of Western Music and Philosophy (Oxford Handbooks) [McAuley, Tomás, Nielsen, Nanette, Levinson, Jerrold, Phillips-Hutton,...
قبل 47 شهرًا
Musical Concerns: Essays in Philosophy of Music
Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Jerrold Levinson's new book gathers together eight recent papers on philosophy of music, an older co-authored paper on the nature of the...
قبل 110 أشهر
Arthur Danto: Philosopher of Pop
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
“Arthur Danto is a philosopher with a system, whose much discussed aesthetic theory cannot be understood adequately without grasping how it is embedded in...
قبل 40 شهرًا