Jerrold Levinson is distinguished university professor of philosophy at the University of Maryland, College Park. He is particularly noted for his work on ...
Jerrold Levinson (PhD, Michigan) is Distinguished University Professor of Philosophy. His main philosophical interest is aesthetics.
جيرولد ليفينسون هو أستاذ جامعي متميز للفلسفة في جامعة ميريلاند، كوليدج بارك. وهو معروف بشكل خاص بعمله في تعريف الفن، وجماليات الموسيقى، وأنطولوجيا الفن، وفلسفة الفيلم، والتفسير، والتجربة الجمالية، والفكاهة. ويكيبيديا (إنجليزية)
مكان الميلاد: بروكلين، نيويورك، نيويورك
التعليم: معهد ماساتشوستس للتقنية وجامعة ميشيغان
أسئلة أخرى
What is the Levinson philosophy?
Philosophical work
Levinson advocates the position that music has the same relation to thought as does language; i.e., if language is an expression of thought, so is music.
What is the concept of music Levinson?
final definition: music is sounds temporally organized by a person for the purpose of enriching or intensifying experience through active engagement (e.g. listening, dancing, performing) with the sounds regarded primarily, or in significant measure as sounds: covers all kinds of music, but excludes Muzak.
Jerrold Levinson is a distinguished professor emeritus at University of Maryland, College Park, Department of Philosophy. Follow them to stay up to date ...
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Professor of Philosophy, University of Maryland - Cited by 9874
Jerrold Levinson is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the University of Maryland, College Park. His philosophical interests include aesthetics of music.
This is the final section of my interview with Jerrold Levinson. The full text — seven sections in total — is published in the book Conversations on Art and ...
Jerrold Levinson, University of Maryland: 859 Followers, 88 Following, 152 Research papers. Research interests: Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Cognition.
Jerrold Levinson is Distinguished University Professor of Philosophy at the University of Maryland, College Park. He is particularly noted for his work on ...