14þ/03þ/2024 · Albert Barnes (1798—1870) was an American Presbyterian pastor, theologian, and author who advocated for temperance, women's rights, and the abolition of slavery ...
27þ/09þ/2024 · Albert Barnes (born Dec. 1, 1798, Rome, N.Y., U.S.—died Dec. 24, 1870, Philadelphia) was a U.S. Presbyterian clergyman and writer.
06þ/09þ/2024 · Albert Barnes (1798-1870) was an eminent American theologian, pastor, and author, best known for his extensive work in biblical commentary.
16þ/07þ/2024 · In 1922, art collector and philanthropist Albert C. Barnes chartered the Barnes Foundation with the goal of improving the American public's understanding ...
21þ/11þ/2023 · Albert Barnes is a learned and able divine, but his productions are unequal in value, the gospels are of comparatively little worth, but his other comments are ...
29þ/09þ/2024 · Albert Barnes and Violette de Mazia based their objective method for examining works of art on the plastic means: color, line, light, and space.
18þ/06þ/2024 · Albert Barnes, was a young pastor, whose earlier years had been passed under the teachings of the Methodist Church. After passing through college, he made a ...
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31þ/07þ/2024 · Albert Barnes (1798-1870) was a distinguished theologian from New York State, USA. In addition to his studies he was an ordained Presbyterian Minister and ...
24þ/02þ/2024 · Rothberg's sensibility as a collector was informed by Albert Barnes, who had strong ideas about the educational potential of looking at art. He learned about ...
30þ/08þ/2024 · Archivist and historian Barbara Anne Beaucar shares the history of the Barnes through authentic archival documents—including a few newly discovered…