... Movies "Far From the Madding Crowd" (Tu) 6:20 A.M.(HBO) Movie "Cattle Annie and Little Britches" (Tu) 6:30 A.M.(MAX) Movies "0. Henry's Full House" (M). "Captain Nemo and the Underwater Clty"(F) 7 A.M.(AMC) MC) Movie r, "Maid's Nloht ...
... movies are being made since the advent of rental movies. "There's more pressure now for film companies to make a profit on films and in theaters so more products are coming out all the time which means well be seeing a variety in ...
Hollywood's in a family way 4 The movie industry is making movies for both fun and profit. By DAVTD GERMAIN Associated Press. LOS ANGELES The family that pays together has really caught Hollywood's eye. It's prime time for the family ...
... movies right there so I've seen a lot of movies, although, come to think of it, I probably haven't seen a total of that many since was 13. We always called them simply "the movies." We never called them "pictures." wasn't until ...
Movies are fine but. It's beginning to look as though I'm going to miss seeing the Academy Award-winning movie again this year. I don't know how long "Chariots of Fire" is going to be around, but I doubt if I'll catch it. I'm sure it ...
... Movie: The Wai- tons: An Easter Story (Thu, Fri) SJRugrats SD VldeoMornlng DiS Gumml Bears HBO Movies: Ghostbusters II (Mon) Made In America (Tue) Sidekicks (Wed) Steel (Tnu) Ice Castles (Fn) MAX Movie: The Fox (Tue) ENC Movie: Mickey ...