... movies Seeking ittracOve hardworking SAF s«ndei and classy, 5|'-IO'. 38-53. lor lun times AM 2186 WHArS INSIDE COUNTS SW lather 29. smoker enjoys movies hunting ten- Ing vardwork piayinu nith his Kids ISO ongoing, shy SF. 18-45 Adf 3987 ...
... movies rather than just watching the movie stars. Advantages of festivals are threefold. You can see a lot of really good movies in a short period of time, you can discover some of the year's best movies long before they reach your ...
Violent movies currently the vogue. there's anything that distresses me more than today's flood of gory movies in which victims are brutalized, maimed and destroyed, it is that people are willing to stand in line and pay $4 to watch the ...
... movies come in flavors, like ice cream. "Guy" movies, for instance "Cliffhanger," are overpowering in their flavor. They're chocolate. "Gal" movies take "A League of - Their Own" - are subtler (or blander). They're vanilla. Then there ...
... movies and sports, seeks a TOUSSF2M1 Adi 8704 . FAMILY-ORIENTED f friendly DW dad ol ihree. 37. 5'11". " — Is with brown hair and blue oyes, " . enkiys travel, movies dinnc oui and -I, seeks a compaWo SW'" It 58 OPF.N YOUR HEART TO ME ...
... movies dining out the outdoors, travel and sunsets Ad* 2345 LOVELY LADY Sweet Intelligent SBF 18 5'4" medium build student Albany resident, in search of slim educated SBM. who enjoys companionship Ad* 4322 SOLID VALUES SB mom 32 53 ...
... MOVIE: Every Which Way but Loose Th (SHOW) MOVIES: Avalon Tu Funny Girl Th The Oklahoma City Dolls F (1:45) OB Exploring Technology Education F (1:45) 83 All About You M (1:45) Blue Umbrella; Write Channel W (1:45) Storylords; Blue ...
... movies dancing walks, appreciates a good man ISOroman- « SM 43-5? no head games, lor possible LTR W924971. GERMAN. LADY. 44. w. tsabs,. D'uwntiiue canng. genuine, loyal Seeking SBM 40-50 is truthful -esppctfui sensitive ukes kids, for ...