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Contemplating Art is a compendium of writings from the last ten years by one of the leading figures in aesthetics, Jerrold Levinson.
Contemplating Art is a compendium of writings from the last ten years by one of the leading figures in aesthetics, Jerrold Levinson.
Contemplating Art|Paperback - by Jerrold Levinson - Barnes & Noble
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Contemplating Art is a compendium of writings from the last ten years by one of the leading figures in aesthetics, Jerrold Levinson.
Contemplating Art is a compendium of writings from the last ten years by one of the leading figures in aesthetics, Jerrold Levinson. The twenty-four essays ...
Synopsis. Contemplating Art is a compendium of writings from the last ten years by one of the leading figures in aesthetics, Jerrold Levinson.
01/01/2006 · Contemplating Art is a compendium of writings from the last ten years by one of the leading figures in aesthetics, Jerrold Levinson.
Contemplating Art is a compendium of writings from the last ten years by one of the leading figures in aesthetics, Jerrold Levinson.
22/10/2024 · Jerrold Levinson's Contemplating Art provides the readers with a variety of heterogeneous topics and issues. The discussants who took part ...
Contemplating Art: Essays in Aesthetics by Jerrold Levinson: New ; Item Number. 404984187981 ; Publication Date. 2006-12-28 ; Pages. 432 ; Accurate description. 4.9.
The book is a collection of 24 essays written by Levinson over the past 10 years in the field of analytic aesthetics and philosophy of art.