Charles gives an overview of the evolution of social teachings. He quotes liberally from Church social documents, and adds an introduction and commentary to each section of this book.
The two volume authoritative guide to the social teaching of the Catholic Church. This first volume covers the period from Genesis to Centesimus Annus - Biblical times to the late nineteenth century.
This work distills Fr. Rodger Charles' extensive knowledge of the social teaching of the Catholic Church into an introductory outline of its principles.
The second volume of Rodger Charles' two volume presentation of the Catholic Tradidition from Genesis to Centesimus Annus addresses the Modern Social Teaching of the Church from the reign of Pope Leo XIII.
This book traces changes to collective bargaining, and therefore industrial relations, through the most significant joint attempts made by trade unionists and employers to understand and improve it.
Monograph tracing the evolution of labour relations in the UK from 1911 to 1939, through a study of collective bargaining at national level and industry level - examines the impact of the industrial council, the whitley committee, the ...