To mark the retirement of John F. A. Sawyer, Professor of Religious Studies in the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, colleagues and former students from around the world have contributed studies on his areas of interest: the study of ...
By considering the status of Hebrew in Judaism alongside that of Greek in Rome Sacred Languages and Sacred Texts sheds new light on the role of the power of words, spoken and written, in religion.
In this work, Professor Sawyer opens a 'third track' of reading, which concerns the actual practice of the church in using the book of Isaiah, and appeals to but runs well beyond both 'historical-critical' and 'canonical' perspectives.
Each entry contains essential information about the original context of the work (date, composer, etc.) and, where relevant, its afterlife in literature, film, politics, and liturgy.
This is a commentary that guides the reader through the Book of Isaiah, examining the differing interpretations of each phrase or passage from a variety of cultural and religious perspectives, Jewish, Christian and Muslim.
This is the unifying strand in the whole of his work, from his groundbreaking Semantics in Biblical Research: New Methods of Defining Hebrew Words for Salvation (1972) and his From Moses to Patmos: New Perspectives in Old Testament Study ...
For decades, millions of Christians have discovered William Barclay's Daily Study Bible to be the ideal New Testament commentary series for both devotional reading and serious Bible study.
Throughout his two-volume commentary, John F. A. Sawyer seeks to present the meaning of the text of the book of Isaiah with compelling clarity and, at the same time, lead the reader to a deeper understanding of familiar passages.